Future Business Leaders of America
About FBLA
FBLA is an integral, co-curricular component of each business education course. FBLA serves as a means to enhance classroom instruction while helping students develop leadership abilities, expand workplace-readiness skills, and broaded opportunities for personal and professional growth.
Business Achievement Awards
The Business Achievement Awards are an individual achievement award program for FBLA High School members. Participating students have the opportunity to enhance their leadership skills, expand their business knowledge, contribute to their local communities, and earn recognition by immersing themselves in their school and communities.
Contributor Award (Level One) - Members are introduced to the foundations of FBLA and learn how to best take advantage of the opportunities available to members.
Leader Award (Level Two) - Members learn the fundamentals of leadership and explore their personal leadership style.
Advocate Award (Level Three) - Members have the opportunity to select a business skill or content area that they would like to further develop. Once completed, members have the choice of continuing on to the Capstone Project or selecting a new business skill or concept to earn an additional Advocate Award.
Capstone Award (Level Four) - Participating members will design, complete, and reflect on a project that solves a real-world problem.
FBLA members can complete Community Service Awards (CSA). The Community Service Awards Program recognizes members with extraordinary commitment to community service. It has three levels:
CSA Community (50 hours)
CSA Service (200 hours)
CSA Achievement (500 hours)
Hours for the CSA are cumulative and build throughout a student's FBLA career.
Community Service Awards
The March of Dimes is FBLA-PBL's national service partner. For over 40 years FBLA-PBL has consistently ranked as the top March of Dimes youth fundraising partner, raising over $15 million dollars and counting. This year, Vestavia FBLA's goal is to raise $5,000 for the March of Dimes.
March of Dimes
Competitive Events
The FBLA National Awards Program, also known as competitive events, recognizes and rewards excellence in a broad range of business and career-related areas. At the State Leadership Conferences, students compete in events testing their business knowledge and skills. Top state winners are then eligible to compete for national awards at the National Leadership Conference each summer. Competitive events fall into three categories: individual, team, and chapter. Individual and team events focus on skills useful in leadership and career development; chapter events recognize overall achievement and performance in chapter management and growth. Learn more here.